God bless the U.S.A. N8IE - Dan Shepherd - 1900 Pittsfield St. - Kettering, Oh 45420 With God All Things Are Possible
Welcome to the N8IE Web Page!

Club Links:
AM Phone

N8IE's Links:
About N8IE
My Old Radios
My Radio Shack
Visitors To My Shack
Local WX

Radio Projects:
DX-100 ressurection
Globe Scout 680
Knight T-150

Prop Info:
DX Summit
My Prop Info Page

Tech Stuff:
Technical Info

ARRL VE since 2008
FISTS #4985
FPqrp #-6
Mad River Radio Club
QRP ARCI #11003
SKCC #312

Drop me an e-Mail:
Welcome to the N8IE home page. I hope you enjoy your visit.
If you are here because we just had a QSO on the air, thanks and nice to work you!

New Happenings in the N8IE Ham Shack:

08/06/2022: New Shack complete!
07/26/2022: Repair/Restore of Heathkit DX-100 started.
07/18/2022: Joined BARC, The Bellbrook ARC.
07/02/2022: Moving the Shack upstairs!
05/27/2022: SX-101 finished and working great.
05/01/2022: Started repair/restore of Hallicrafters SX-101.

LoTW DXCC Totals:
Mixed 225
CW 209
Phone 164
Digital 70
160M 41
80M 65
40M 118
30M 64
20M 171
17M 53
15M 164
12M 32
10M 142
6M 14
2M 1

Most days I can be found on 40/80 meter AM, I also lurk on the CW portion of the bands.

I QSL 100% to all cards received and once or twice a year I upload to LoTW. Sorry I DO NOT USE eQSL.

DX Code of Conduct!

Ham Nation on TWit TV is one of the best POD Casts on the Web for Hams. Tune in each week and enjoy!

Here's your invitation to a friendly, high-tech hobby that's got something fun for everyone! You can become an Amateur Radio operator no matter what age, gender or physical ability. People from all walks of life pass their entry level exams and earn their Amateur (ham) Radio licenses. They all share the diverse world of activities you can explore with ham radio. You never know who you'll run into when communicating with Amateur Radio: Young people, retirees, teachers and students, engineers and scientists, doctors, mechanics and technicians, homemakers... Click here to start your journey into a great hobby!

These are the major Ham Radio Clubs in and around the greater Dayton, Oh area:
Bellbrook ARC, W8DGN
Dayton ARA, W8BI
Montgomery County ARES, Oh Dis 3.

For a list of Dayton area NETS and their times, click here.

I'm a proud member of The Flying Pigs QRP Club International
My FP-qrpl number is -6, and I'm the trustee of the club call sign, W8PIG. We have members from all around the world, and it may surprise you just who some of our members are! Like this fellow, K4ZDH, or this famous Flying Piggy,W1RFI.
Membership is free and open to all, please visit here and apply today!

Amateur's Code
The Amateur's Code was originally written by Paul M. Segal, W9EEA in 1928. Although it's been "updated" by many Hams over the years, the original meaning holds true today.

The Radio Amateur is:
Never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.

Offering loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally.

With knowledge abreast of science, well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach.

With slow and patient operation when requested, friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, co-operation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit.

Radio is a hobby never interfering with duties owed to his family, job, school or community.

Station and skill always ready for the service to country and community.

73 de
Dan, N8IE

This page is like the Earth's great magnetic field, in a constant state of flux! Stay tuned for more....
Last updated 10/05/2024

© 1998-2024 N8IE, Daniel J. Shepherd Sr. All rights reserved. Contact Dan Shepherd with questions or concerns with this site.