Eelectronic component symbols.
Electronic formulas.
Capacitor stuff:
Capacitor chart.
Capacitance: A measure of the energy storage ability of
a capacitor, given as C = K A/D, where A is the area of the electrodes, D
is their separation, and K is a function of the dielectric between the electrodes.
The formula yields a result in farads (F ), but a farad is so large that the
most commonly used values are expressed in microfarads ( µf = 10-6F ) or picofarads
( pf = 10-12F ).
Working voltage (Wvdc, Wvac): The maximum continuous voltage
that should be applied to a capacitor. Rated voltages for DC and AC operation
are usually not the same.
Temperature Coefficient (TC): The change in capacitance
with temperature expressed linearly as parts per million per degree centigrade
(PPM/°C), or as a percent change over a specified temperature range. Most
film capacitors are not linear and TC is expressed in percent.
just about everything you need to know about them.
Resistor chart.
(iron powder & ferrite)
Transister stuff:
Transistor Pinouts
Here's a very common plastic package; the TO-92. Beware, not all parts
in TO-92 share this pinout. Here are some that do:
- 2N3903, 2N3904, 2N3905, 2N3906
- 2N4400, 2N4401, 2N4402, 2N4403
There are plenty of texts around on basic electronics, so this is a very brief
look at the three basic ways in which a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) can
be used. In each case, one terminal is common to both the input and output signal.
All the circuits shown here are without bias circuits and power supplies for
Emitter Configuration
Here the emitter terminal is common to both the input and output signal.
The arrangement is the same for a PNP transistor. Used in this way the transistor
has the advantages of a medium input impedance, medium output impedance, high
voltage gain and high current gain.
Common Base Configuration
Here the base is the common terminal. Used frequently for RF applications,
this stage has the following properties. Low input impedance, high output
impedance, unity (or less) current gain and high voltage gain.
Common Collector Configuration
This last configuration is also more commonly known as the emitter
follower. This is because the input signal applied at the base is "followed"
quite closely at the emitter with a voltage gain close to unity. The properties
are a high input impedance, a very low output impedance, a unity (or less)
voltage gain and a high current gain. This circuit is also used extensively
as a "buffer" converting impedances or for feeding or driving long cables
or low impedance loads.
A note on Phase Shifts
In both the the common emitter and emitter follower configurations, the input
and output signals are out of phase by 180 degrees. This is not a phase displacement,
but a phase inversion. The common base mode however tracks the input and output
with 0 degrees phase shift.
Transistor / IC / Diode layout.