Here is a collection of some of the radios that have come and gone in my Radio Shack over the years. A few of these I look back now and think why the hell did sell that?
But then again we've all done that at least once.
Heathkit SB-110 6M all mode, speaker\power supply, and Electrovoice desk mic.
This was my biggest "Why did I sell this" radio. It also was as close to perfect as an old radios gets.
Kenwood TS-830S, 10M thru 160M SSB\CW.
This was my first radio wirh a digital display! Also one of the best radios of it's time.
Icom IC-211, 2M all mode.
At the 2003 Dayton Hamvention I had a quest to find some older gear to get on 2M, and 6M with all modes. I found two great rigs, this is the 2M one.
Icom IC-551, 6M all mode.
This is the other radio I got in Dayton along with the IC-211.
Kenwood TS-570D, 10M thru 160M SSB\AM\CW.
This was my main rig for over 10 years. We did a lot of contesting together and won 13 plaques!
Hallicrafters SX-99, general coverage receiver.
This was my first SX-99, she was clean and worked great until one day she fell deaf. RIP.
My second SX-99 with matching speaker and Heathkit Q-Multiplier.
SX-122. This was one of my favorite recievers.
Hammarlund HQ-145, general coverage receiver.
This beauty is one nice receiver to listen to. But with down sizeing the Shack, she had to go. She now belongs to another Ham who is enjoying her as much as I did.
Hammarlund HQ-110, Amateure Radio receiver.
This one went to my best friend Jim, N8NSN. He did a complete alignment on her and is very happy.
It was replaced in my shack by a Hallicrafters SX-122.
A very nice and clean Drake 2NT transmitter.
Here's some oldies. My Heathkit DX-35 and VF-1 and a WRL Globe Scout 680. Had fun with these for a while.
Over the years I've had several DX-60 stations. This was my best one, and another one I should have kept.
My old Globe Chief 90. It was a decent radio but the PS gave out so it went to a Hamfest. RIP!
My Knight T-150 AM/CW transmitter.
Paired this Knight R-100A with the T-150.
My beautiful Viking Valiant AM/CW tranciever.
Yaesu FT-401B transciever, AM/SSB/CW. Has 5 sweep tubes in the final PA!
Realistic DX-160. This was a great receiver and worked great with my QRP rigs.
As I find more old pictures, and as my current radios pass along to others, I'll add them here.